Thursday, September 27, 2007

Parody of Rock Star

Here's a pretty good parody of Rock Star, commenting on America's "pop sensations" that are currently ruining their lives. Rock Star itself is a commentary on today's rock scene, and these guys just take it and apply it to pop stars...

I Wanna Be A Pop Star - Watch more free videos


Astarte said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa that is some funny stuff. What is sad about this piece is that it is so very true. And even worse these are the women who are role models for little girls. Girls who think that they need to act like a damn ass to get noticed. *sigh* what is the world coming to?

ayah said...

What makes me wonder is what drives these girls to do act so ridiculous like this... they have everything they could want in terms of money, material possessions, physical beauty, and fame on top of it. What posseses them to exhibit such reckless behavior? Because that's what's expected in Hollywood? Or maybe because they have everything they could want and more, there is some insatiable need for even more that can never be quenched? If only they'd realize that what they do DOES affect young impressionable girls who unfortunately do look up to them.