Lots of Visual Rhetoric in this picture. The more I look at it, the more I see.
Morgan Spurlock is at it again, but this time instead of "eat healthy, not mcdonalds" it's "shop locally and at mom and pop stores, not walmart". I wonder if this crusade will make any difference in holiday sales at Target, WalMart etc...my guess is no.
First of all, I hate when people appropriate Disney's signature as a typeface. I was at a restaurant over the weekend that had a claw machine, and it's name was in Disney writing... Secondly, Jesus wouldn't appreciate His name being used to compare Walmart to mom-and-pop stores. I do get a kick out of the bumper stickers, like "Jesus would use His turn signals" and "Jesus would drive the speed limit," but when they use him in advertising and in some rhetoric like this, I get disgusted. And Christians use their religion to further their political agenda. I saw Jesus Camp over the weekend, and wow, some Christian sects are scary. I am going to tackle Hell House tonight, about a haunted house put on by a youth group in Texas, where they show "real hells" like botched abortions and aids and the like. I am just getting back into my faith, but I am amazed at how people can just really do their best to screw this world up.
I don't know, I'm not sure that we can say that Jesus would or wouldn't appreciate Brother Billy's new movie (from the Church of Stop Shopping; that is the name of the star of this film. Google: "Brother Billy + Church of Stop Shopping" There was an indy documentary about this guy a few years ago, it was pretty funny).
And Wal-Mart does use that "down home, folksy, rural, we love our blonde hair, blue-eyed Jesus" culture to hawk their product made by Chinese sweatshop workers for pennies a day. Jesus did, according to the New Testament, chase the merchants from the temple.
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