Ok, I'll admit it...I love reading Perez Hilton's blog. It is a very guilty pleasure of mine. For those of you who aren't familiar, Perez is known for making or breaking celeb reputations with one ill-intetioned stroke of his Microsoft Paint-brush. Last week Perez published the entry you see to the left: an unflattering pic of Britney Spears' plastered above an unrelated news story with a shocking and disturbing headline. "Shitney", as Perez has dubbed her, has nothing to do with the headline, but when you click the link to read the full story, her picture appears again, so it's clear that it's no mistake. I'm not a Britney fan and I don't hold Perez to a particularly high standard of journalistic integrity, but I was still surprised to see him post something so intentionally misleading on a blog that reportedly receives over 8 million hits a day. The post is particularly timely, as Spears' was in the midst of fighting a losing custody battle in court. What are your thoughts? Is this a new low for Perez, or is this just fun and games?
I don't think that anyone reading perez hilton is expecting to get accurate news coverage of anything, even it is Britney. I'm with that Chris Crocker guy, leave Britney alone.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I too am an avid Perez reader. Perez always used to be in Britney's corner, cheering for and her comeback and staying positive even when others were skeptical. However, thanks to her almost daily "it can't get any worse than this, can it" antics, he has since lost his faith in the poptart, and now openly criticizes her. I think this post was his attempt at humor, poking fun at Britney (known as a terrible mother and drug abuser) for being such a mess that the public would believe her to be entirely capable of doing something as awful as snorting cocaine off her children’s stomachs.
I think that people that visit the Perez Hilton website know what they are getting. It's pure gossip, not unbiased accurate news, and it's intended to poke fun at celebrities for entertainment. Perez is known for this, so it's not very surprising to anyone who has seen his blog before. If you were visiting the msnbc website and saw this posting about Britney, now that would be disturbing and innapropriate. You have to consider the source when getting your daily news or gossip, especially online.
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